Summary of the EEA Energy Efficiency Sector Survey

How is the sector being affected by COVID-19, the Green Homes Grant and need for recruitment?

Summary of the EEA Energy Efficiency Sector Survey


Summary of the EEA Energy Efficiency Sector Survey (November 2020)



Between the 13th and 19th of November 2020, the EEA carried out a survey amongst its members to gauge the impact COVID-19 and the Green Homes Grant were having on the energy efficiency sector.


The response was good for such a brief window of opportunity to participate, with 46 companies replying to the the questionnaire.


The responses were mixed, but a clear pattern has emerged. The industry has been badly hit by the Coronavirus lockdown restrictions, and the industry is concerned about the Green Homes Voucher Scheme.


However there are really encouraging signs that the damage done to the sector can be reversed during the early part of the New Year.


General Profile of Respondents

We received responses from a good range of companies across the energy efficiency sector.


54% were involved in Insulation

48% in Heating

41% in Energy Advice & Guidance

15% in Solar

11% in New Build Construction

2% in Property Management


We had no responses from those involved in Energy Provision


The majority (59%) of our respondents were Installers, with Energy Assessors (22%) and Consultants (9%) being the other sizeable response groups.


Please download the full pdf to see more


Written by: Kenneth Campbell
Published at: Tue, Dec 1, 2020 1:44 AM
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