The Energy

The Energy Efficiency Association is a UK based trade association set up in 2018 to help coordinate communication and collaboration within the field of Energy Efficiency

We do this in a number of ways, mostly through meetings and events, our online membership network and information publications



Energy efficiency is a pretty big subject so our role is to help organise all the various activities in the field and help ensure efficiency within the sector



Energy efficiency covers so many things that it is very easy to get lost in the seemingly contradictory technical information that is out there. We are here to help people understand and know what is going on.



The energy efficiency sector can only be efficient if everyone in the industry and associated trades works together. Our role is to facilitate this collaboration.

Our Purpose

Following the collapse in funding of the Government's Green Deal scheme in 2015, and the subsequent changes to other energy efficiency schemes the following year, there was a lot of confusion in the industry about what was going on.

It was recognised that this confusion was not helping the consumer, who was also being preyed on by rogue traders who were giving the sector a bad reputation.

After numerous discussion with companies across the energy efficeincy sector about the way forward the EEA was set up.

The Energy Efficiency Association was to be an independent body that could provide unbiased information and expertise from within its membership to help consumers and businesses make informed decisions about energy efficiency, and find trustworthy companies to help them complete energy efficiency projects.

Since our founding, over “580 companies have joined our membership and we have run 30 conferences and events, made numerous direct introductions within the industry, been asked by politicians to help them find experts within the industry, and helped consumers avoid unscrupulpous traders.

The EEA is a community of thinkers and doers who believe that everyone should have access to the resources that enable more energy efficient energy use.

We believe the most sustainable and affordable energy is the energy not used.

Energy efficiency is good for the economy, the environment and creates jobs in all sectors nationwide.

We are dedicated to linking the energy and housing sectors together in order to maximise the benefits of energy efficiency and to ensure access for millions of low-income residents.

Our purpose is help you.

Our Constitution

The constitution of the Energy Efficiency Association is published in its founding documents and an online copy is available on the Companies House website . Our company number is 10907048 and our regisered address is Emerald House, Cabin Lane, Oswestry, Shropshire, SY11 2DZ.

The Energy Efficiency Association is a community interest company, so it is set up for the benefit of the community as a social enterprise, and as such is prohibited from pursuing a political agenda. This makes us politically independent, technologically agnostic and socially accountable.

Our shareholders are companies who care about energy efficiency and are willing to invest in supporting it, even though they may not get the benefits out of it that they might expect to see from a less social enterprise.

The Association is not established or conducted for private gain: any surplus or assets the association has are used principally for the benefit of the community.So any profits made by the Association go back into the the Association and the communities it represents.

The shareholders have appointed a Board of Directors to run the Association. A Steering group has been set up from within the membership to support the membership and a Non-executive Board has been elected from within that Steering Group to provide guidence and support the to directors.

There is a Branch network in place covering the entire mainland UK, and there are branch convenors and committees able to help provide support to members in each of the regions.

Our Aims & Objectives

The objectives of the Company are to carry on activities which benefit the community, and in particular (without limitation) to create a collective voice for everyone involved with energy efficiency in the UK, to inspire confidence in the energy efficiency sector and to ensure that consumers, especially the vulnerable in society, have access to solutions that will reduce their energy usage.

To further these objectives we work with existing bodies and trade associations within the energy and social care sectors to form coherent industry wide strategies and to take coordinated action to improve access to energy efficiency in the wider community.

Executive Directors

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Gary Braybrooke

Founder & CEO

Gary Braybrooke

Gary has been involved in Energy Efficiency & Sustainability publishing for almost 20 years but is best known in the industry as the founder of the National Energy Efficiency Awards

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Kenneth Campbell


Kenneth Campbell

Co-founder of the Energy Efficiency Association

Non-Executive Board

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Tony Mooney

Director of Skills Training and Recruitmenty

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Freddie McKean

Director of Finance